
Winkler and the RM of Stanley

The City of Winkler and the RM of Stanley is an industry and service hub for Southern Manitoba. With a regional population of over 30,000 people, the region provides a great combination of work opportunities and quality of life. 

Immigrate To Winkler/Stanley • Initiative Eligibility 

WSEDC Pilot Manitoba
Immigration Initiative

WSEDC in partnership with Immigration Pathways has agreed to a pilot immigration initiative to address the urgent short and long-term labour needs, demonstrated by employers in the Winkler-Stanley region. This program, in 2024 and 2025 can take up to 150 applications per year. Candidates endorsed by the WSEDC (who have a labour market attachment via the WSEDC Regional Labour Forecast Report) are not required to conduct an in-person exploratory visit.

If an applicant qualifies and receives a community letter of endorsement, it should be understood that the endorsement letter is only that, and the WSEDC does not have any authority to approve an applicant. Decisions to invite an applicant to apply and possible nomination are determined completely by the Province of Manitoba.

To qualify, applicants must meet the community selection criteria, listed below, and meet the adaptability and English requirements associated with the job demands in our region.

Language Proficiency

IELTS – Minimum of CLB 4 in each category – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing as a minimum.

**Please note - Specific NOC Codes may require you to have a higher CLB minimum.


Our program is open to those between the ages of 21 and 45. Applicants over the age of 45 may be considered, only if minimum MPNP required score of 60 points is met.

Work Experience

Minimum two years full-time work experience in the past five years in declared intended occupation.


At least one-year post-secondary education or training program leading to a diploma degree or certificate.


Candidates that meet the community selection criteria will be screened/interviewed based on being "labour market-ready" based on a Regional Labour Forecast Report and intending to reside in the Winkler-Stanley Region.

Those selected by the selection committee will receive a Winkler-Stanley Community Endorsement Letter. This letter only adds support to a candidate's MPNP application. You must meet the MPNP criteria in order to be nominated for permanent residency by the Province of Manitoba, not by the City of Winkler or the RM of Stanley.

Settlement Funds

Applicants selected are required to meet 50 percent of the low-income cut-ff (LICO).

The amount of funds required can be found by clicking the link below.

How The Process Works

You check to see if you meet the minimum requirements of the MPNP program, including CLB requirements for your intended NOC.

It is your responsibility to ensure you meet all minimum criteria and have proof of meeting the criteria required to qualify for the MPNP program.

Complete the pre-application form found on this website by selecting the "Get Started" button.

NOTE: Only applications that meet our program eligibility criteria will be reviewed. Eligible applicants will be notified via email that their application is being processed.

Your pre-application information is reviewed by our office and if it is determined that your skills and experience are needed in our region, your information will be given a second review by a Community Selection Committee.

Application Processing Times are: 3-4 months. Should you not hear from our office within this time, your application has not been approved and will not be moving on. At that time we encourage you to look into other Immigration avenues.

**Please note - NOC's identified as in-demand for our region have space limits, your application may not advance for review even if you meet the minimum requirements of the program.**

If the Community Selection Committee confirms there is a need for your skills and experience, our office will reach out to you to conduct an online interview.

If the interview confirms your information and your skill is a fit for our area, a Community Support Letter will be sent to MPNP for their consideration.

MPNP reviews our letter and makes a determination on whether or not to issue an Invitation to Apply (ITA) directly to you.

While our endorsement letter will add support to the MPNP application process, it is MPNP and not the WSEDC that makes the decision to nominate or not nominate an applicant based on their criteria being met.

Candidates with an ITA can then set up an Expression of Interest Profile (EOI). The link and details will be provided by MPNP.

Our office will also send you a copy of your Community Letter of Endorsement required for your full application with MPNP.

Your EOI profile is entered into a Provincial applicant draw and if your EOI profile is selected, you will receive a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA).

It is important to note that given the number of applicants considered by the Province of Manitoba, those who score the most points based on their program requirements are drawn. Because of this, it is important for you to meet the requirements of the program before making the effort to apply.

MPNP completes your assessment and makes a determination of whether to nominate you to the Federal Government of Canada office of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for final approval consideration.

If you meet the program requirements, we invite you to apply for the WSEDC Pilot Manitoba Immigration Initiative.

If you have questions about the application, please see our Skilled Worker FAQ page.

Frequently Asked Questions

We receive a high volume of questions about immigration. Before contacting us, please ensure that your question is not answered in another part of this website. Here are some common FAQ’s

Do I qualify?
​Applications will not be considered if they do not meet minimum qualifications based on their intended NOC.
In order to qualify you must meet basic eligibility.


Are there any exceptions to needing an IELTS test?
No. A language test is required. See eligibility and language proficiency link.


Can you evaluate my resume or CV before I apply?
Unfortunately, time constraints do not allow for this. Please understand the program qualifications before deciding whether to apply.


Who is chosen for your program?
Top applicants are those that meet the programs qualifications, have work experience that fits the labour needs of our region, and who have a connection to our area through family or friends or who show a strong desire to stay here for the long-term.

What is a Labour Forecast?
A survey completed yearly by our business community to determine labour demands within the Winkler/Stanley region.
To get and idea of what occupations are in demand in our region please visit:

What is Labour Market Ready?
MPNP requires applicants applying through our program to be "Labour Market Ready" this means you need to have the education, experience and relevant English level required for that NOC to be able to fill the role and start work immediately upon arrival to the Winkler/Stanley region.

Suggested English Success Levels: 
Skilled Manufacturing Positions: CLB 5-6
Office Support: CLB 6
Education/Healthcare: CLB 6-7
Retail/Service Industry: CLB 6-7
Sales/Leadership/IT: CLB 8

Can I apply while in Canada?

Our program is designed for those living outside of Canada, however if you are in Canada as a Visitor ONLY you may still apply.


How long does the whole process take?
The length of time varies due to variable processing times at our office, MPNP and at the Federal Government level.


Is there a deadline by which to apply?
There is no stated deadline, however the limited number of spots available each year does determine when the submission window closes for the year.


What is the cost?
There is no cost to apply through WSEDC. However, when applying directly to our office, much of the application work is your responsibility. If you do come for an exploratory visit, all travel and accommodation costs are your responsibility. There will be costs from MPNP and Federal levels for application processing which are also your responsibility.

What documents are required for the application?

Documents required in the application are: Resume, Educational Documents (in English) and a current (within 2 years) IELTS test.

How do I apply?
If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can begin the process through this website or through an immigration consultant of your choice.

What if my application isn't working to submit?
We limit the amount of applications we intake each time to be able to process them in a timely manner. With this if your application is not working to submit it is because we have received the max allotment of applications for this round. 

When would I be notified if I have been selected for WSEDC’s Community Initiative Program?
Your application should be reviewed in 3-4 months.  Should you not hear from our office within this time, your application has not been approved and will not be moving on. At that time we encourage you to look into other Immigration avenues.


*** We are not affiliated with any Immigration Representative nor do we give preferential treatment to applicants who have hired an Immigration Representative. If you do choose to hire an Immigration Representative to assist you in completing your application, please refer to the IMPORTANT LINKS section to for information on making an informed choice. ***

What help will I receive when I arrive permanently?

Prior to arrival, you will receive some information to help you arrange things in advance. Your first consideration should be where to live. Upon notification of your arrival we will contact Regional Connections to set up an onboarding appointment. “Regional Connections” is a local organization who will help you with things like registering children for school, tax forms, health insurance application, permanent accommodations and English classes.

WSEDC does not accept telephone inquiries from applicants, instead please correspond by email
using our contact form if your questions are not answered on our website.

Only people who have been formally authorized by the applicant may communicate with the
program about a Winkler Immigration application.

Need more details?
Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by email using the contact form.